Det var overskriften på et spændende møde med den brasilianske klimaforsker og aktivist, Sabrina Fernandes, i København. Inger V. Johansen giver et kort referat af mødet.

Den 4 oktober organiserede Transform!Danmark sammen med Global Aktion, NOAH (Friends of the Earth) samt Extinction Rebellion et offentligt møde med titlen CLIMATE CHANGE – WHAT IS CHANGING? med den brasilianske klimaaktivist og researcher, politisk økonom Sabrina Fernandes. Vasna Ramasar, Sydafrika, der også er klimaaktivist og researcher på universitetet i Lund, var spørger på mødet.
Sabrina Fernandes sagde bl.a. følgende:
“This denialism in Brazil reflects a larger scenario of crisis when it comes to climate change as well. Although the last IPCC report was clear that climate change is already our reality and that this is due to human action, false solutions continue to be the norm and disguise the fact that global warming is not the result of any human action, but particularly under capitalism. This means that the crisis is connected to the profit of a few whereas the majority is exploited and left to their own devices when dealing with impacts. Because of this, it is ever more urgent to speak of climate justice, but it is not that simple.
Discussions on climate transition have improved in the past few years, sometimes leading to national and regional projects on decarbonization. Some of these projects are already part of the conversation by political leaders in countries in Europe and North America and while this is general good news when compared to climate denial, the expansion of renewables also needs to take into consideration centuries-old patterns of unequal ecological exchange between the Global North and the Global South in order to avoid deepening ecological imperialism for the sake of transition. To move climate justice beyond simple statements, the plans to transition in the North also need to take into consideration what will be required to transition in the South too, and with a strong improvement in standard of living in poorer countries.”