The Vienna model and affordable housing in Copenhagen

Torsdag den 13. februar 2020. Kl. 19:00 –21:30, Studiestræde 24, I, 1455 Kbh. K.

Transform!Danmark og Enhedslistens Boligpolitiske Udvalg starter en debatrække om aktuelle problemer for den danske boligbevægelse, og vil specielt fokusere på internationale erfaringer og relevans for mere alsidigt boligmarked. Det første møde bliver torsdag den 13. februar 2020, kl. 19:00 og tager udgangspunkt i erfaringerne fra Wien og hvorledes det har været muligt at etablere boliger langt billigere end i Danmark.

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Canceled: How to Combat Climate Warming

Green Capitalism or system change?
International Transform conference in Copenhagen, Saturday, 14 March 2020

The conference has been cancelled due to the venue closing down caused by the corona virus

Venue:  HK København, Svend Aukens Plads 11, 2300 Copenhagen S

The climate crisis calls for action. How to achieve concrete and more ambitious goals in climate and environmental policies? Are the measures and goals adopted by governments and institutions much more than a greening of Capitalism ? And how much can be achieved by green Capitalism/green growth seen om the background of the real challenges of climate warming ? Some 30 years ago everybody talked about the environmental issue, but in the end, it was absorbed by neoliberal policy. Is this happening again?

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